"Please accept my apology for not replying yesterday. FIRTS LET ME SAY...HE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!
"There have been a series of problems in getting Edward, and in responding to you...[snip]... I then drove to the Post office which closes at 5:00, and I dashed into the building at 4:53...
"I opened the package Tuesday morning and saw how perfect he is, with his precious whiskers, beautiful blue eyes, and darling shoes.
[snip] ....
"Forgive me for my tardiness, but it has no reflection on the quality of your work. Thank you for doing a superb craftsmanship with Edward. I want to give him to M this Thanksgiving holiday, and not wait until Christmas.
"You have been wonderful and patient with this project. If you need any referrals for your work, please contact me or use any of my messages.
"You are a jewel and you have made me very happy by your kindness and patience. You are a big part of this memory my granddaughter and I will always share. Thank you, again.
R T"
Aww, what a lovely note, and how nice that he'll have a new little girl to entertain for years to come
Lovely!!! :)))
He is picture perfect!
wow that's such a nice letter :) and he looks amazing.
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