this is the third time I have used this method to make a pattern for furring, but the tiger head is the hardest one yet ...
so Mary knows its supposed to be a tiger head, but she doesn't think it's very tigery. So she pretends to be a frog ...
I must not loose any pieces ...
i carefully start to cut shapes from four different kinds of fur and begin to sew then together. Matty parks cars on her drawing of children playing in our street ...
Behind You! This is beginning to work, esp when the fur is pulled tight as it will be when all stitched down ... I like to do an much sewing as possible and avoid glueing which is not as strong in many ways ...
and here, using some very careful hand sewing on account of the curves, the muzzle and cheek fur is starting to take shape ...
this is hard work, and requires thought, but the result is making me happy ... i am not an airbrush artist, but this shows you how you can create a tiger head using only commercial printed furs ...
Cool, I'd never have thought of shaping something out this way, but then no-one sticks their head in my bears lol
you are quite a genius Cat!
It's looking great - I'm impressed by the way you have positioned the stripes to look as much like a real tiger as possible. I'm funny about these things, I like them to be 'right'!
see this modelling method used for a 'bear' in my latest blog post xxxxx
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