mary is wearing a bib handmade by TANTEHILDE (blog on left, there....)
and smiling sweetly at the aproach of mummy and something tasty!
i have to share this happy rhyme with you - my chewable raggy rats have gone down a treat up in derby ...
Dear Cathy,
In morning's sunshine they appeared
2 baby ratties, muchly cheered.
What shall I call them? Pit and Pat
of pattering feet, well fancy that!
Such snuggly beasts curled in a C
a perfect shape to grab must be
for baby's learning little fingies
such most appealing softie thingies,
also for slobbergums to chew
and stuffing down in nappy poo...
These ratties very much alive
wash-mashine-tumbles will survive.
Once clean and nicely disinfected
the awesome rat is resurrected
and fit for baby-hand caress
to pull its tail and make a mess ....
Now you can see where most of my time goes:
writing little rhymy-things to amuse my friends.
This poem is dedicated to the intrepid maker of sweet squeekies
and monster feet and other such things.
With my love and thanks,
minstrel-Margret (struck again ;-)
photo from margret's blog too ...