A bear made from T-shirts lined with white fleece, gifted on a wedding day this summer.

This year, rather sadly, I’ve slipped into making a few memory bears. It’s not completely sad, because it’s also about remembering, and being able to keep clothing of a loved one in a special way. Many years ago I wore my Dad’s jumper for as long as I was able, and then made a set of Christmas stockings for the family which are brought out every year and filled with bits and bobs. And earlier this year, my sister made a bear for my Mother’s widow and gave it to him for his birthday.
These two bears will be gifted to little girls this Christmas, and are made from shirts worn by a beloved Gramps. If you look you will see that I’ve carefully set the fabrics to mirror each other in the teddies.

Finally, and just in time for Christmas, I am creating a small number of bears from jeans, inspired by the families love of Charlie bears.

All the bears shared here are about size of Charlie bears, lovely, big and cuddly. Quite a task to stuff too. But all very important and it’s a great honour to work on them. And my sister has given me a little of my Mother’s house coat, so watch this space. I’m going to make something very, very small.