FLASH BACK - do you remember this fireplace? Well, this week, is went away forever... but don't worry, I kept the children!

it all started with scaffolding, and a man on the roof ...

A lot of rubble, dust and more dust... there was no where to sit, and no where to play, so we went outside, and did Hamma beads in the dining room. Mary covered the floor in book, and lost her red mini, again ...

I sneaked in at the end of the first day, to admire the new, very local, Portland stone. It looks like that old wallpaper is really going to have to go now!

the new duel fuel cassette stove, it has to dry out now, and settle in, but luckily we have nice warm weather now... that plaster has to dry too, the guys had to make 2 holes in the wall to unblock the chimney... that was very noisy and dusty, and Mary cried ...

and THIS WEEK, those fuzzy-girls turned 4. Obviously, this year, we didnt put their cards on the firplace!

Enjoy being 4, my little girls! Now to fend off more of those questions about starting school ... I am keeping them with me!