she can make singing sounds, and a 'blah blah blah', which sounds like me talking ...
copying trumps is good for a laugh, but the best thing of all is waving back at us!
and only 8 months old ... she will be sewing next ...
this image shared on flickr will help me make the foam shape for the costume head. i have the skull part of the head made up in foam, and some cute ears of course, i just need to start building the mouse's face.
i am creating a balaclava head, gluing pieces of foam to it. it shouldnt be too bulky, i hope, and should have a cute lower jaw just like a real deer mouse.
you must click through to flickr ,to see what daisy described when she was making the drawing ... !
i love watching the girls draw ...
the last animal of 2008 ....
gina is now rehomed and is made from a vintage cord skirt, that has a bold pattern round the hem, making great legs for this giraffe.
i have enough left for one more like gina, and enough fabric for one like the two i made before christmas, if anyone would like one?