seb leaves on friday next week, and i hope its a day like today so he can have a good send off from the oasis cafe, on the beach ... also on that day my new kitchen will be nearing completion, i cant wait for that even tho i am not looking forward to the upheaval ...

in between sewing, tidying up and clearing out, and looking after my girls i have sat down with some faber castell pencils and started drawing seb's dog flash, which i hope will be able to raise a small sum for support fund for this young man and hound ... i will post a pic when the drawing at least has a head, i seem to have worked from the bottom up this time, not having done any art work on paper for ages !
i would like to have flash finnished by monday so mary harper can take a copy to monday nights meeting and get some ideas about publicising it :-) she has one idea of a shop in dorchester displaying the work and i thought of dear dennis of the sausage factory !
cat xxx