louise and tompot blenny in the dorset echo last friday night...they didn't mention her name, nor the maker of the puppets. boooh!

lobster trousers hanging up in my workroom ...

scarey lobster lady emerges into sunshine ...

saying goodbye to the blenny, matty and daisy give him a few pokes before i have to take him and the cuttlefish along to the marine week launch on chesil beach...

matty has a good look at the cuttlefish - she must be really impressed with the piecing used to create his head ...

sea creatures can die in hot cars ....

a yummy jellyfish cake for eating after the mayor of portland has finnished speaking ...

some of the wonderful junk found on the beach ready to be used for sculpting, along with a propper artist.

the echo shelter providing good sunshade and shelter from portland type winds. my car was fitted with a lovely handmade staff parking sign just for the event...

hilda from the echo makes notes while mums, dads and children make some art from the flotsam and jetsam. finbar webster was there to take pics for the paper, and he recognised me. there was i with my hands up 2 sea creatures but did he take a pic? nope. booooh!

i didnt take any more pics after this point as my hands were buried in my puppet creations, and then i had some cake. i will probably take some more next week when i come back with louise and the lobster costume.