It has an alternative side which might fit in with autumnal times which my special friend so loves :-)
I cleared the kitchen windowsill yesterday, to let in more winter light, and to help give that lovely calm feeling that only a good de-clutter can do! Here is a boat I made at pottery, where me and the girls hung out this autumn, learning about clay!
My girls made all kinds of small sculptures and vessels which the potter showed them how to make, and even though they are quite young, they achieved successfully! We even had a glazing session just before Christmas ... On the bottom shelf is a Marble-run which I made in my foundation year, many moons ago. Would you like to see it working?
Finally at tea time yesterday I dug into a black bag of clothing that we have been blessed with and tightened up some trousers for my petite 5 year olds by sewing in extra elastic, and this chunky heart was cut from a very special but old cardigan of mine to repair a jumper for daisy!
When Mary saw me take up the scissors she said, can you cut knitting? Good question for a 3-year-old! It has been partially felted :-)
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