
Thursday 6 May 2010

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane .... Rabbit Doll Finished ...

if we could have kept him, this would be daisy's new friend ... she explained how it would be getting posted to America, and reassured our rabbit-friend!

matty admired edward's dapper clothing ...

our neighbours boxer played the part of rosie in the miraculous journey or edward tulane ... but she didn't wee on the table cloth!

edward's frock coat and trousers, green plaid, and as close to the book as i could make the coat with its frills ...

the big rabbit as he would sit, in the dining room chair waiting for Abilene to come home from school ...

his coat is lined and the pattern even ties in with the green of his trousers ...

edward listening to pellegrina's bedtime story ...

he thought himself a most handsome rabbit, indeed!
and i have to add - so do i!

and now edward is far away from me ... he has a job to do ...


  1. I think he's most handsome too, love the little scene recreations, although I'm glad your neighbour's dog didn't pee on the carpet!

  2. Very well done Cat x x x
    I can't underline anything or bold it on here, :-) how about another gold star ***

  3. You did a beautiful, amazingly beautiful job!! I love the scenes you recreated too!

  4. Oh, he is indeed a handsome bunny! I don't know the story.... so, now...have to go off and Google....

  5. Love the rabbit! but.... In the book he specificly has hats. also he has many different silk suits, not one. Will you be selling him and making more. I personally have searched many websites to try and find a rabbit I could buy, but there are not many.

  6. He needs more suits, hats, shoes, and pajamas. Are you going to make more I would love to buy one.

  7. thanks everyone and hello anonymous, i did sell this Edward, infact i have some pics to share of him working hard in a play!

    i have an email address under the art for the hands links at top left, you can ask me more questions that way if you would like your own Edward ...

  8. i could do, you need to email, or facebook message me! my address is under art for the hands, above xxxx

  9. I love this book. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL RABBIT, and I am loving on the cute boxer.


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx