
Friday 7 May 2010

Ground Works .... Windows all in, Porch being Erected ....

Day 6 ...
Matty and Daisy supervise Mark and Daniel in the dining room ...

during the bank holiday weekend I managed a few DIY tasks - one was painting some more of the dining room walls white ...

Its bin day, and not much room to squeeze past the van on the driveway ... my house its looking very smart, and my rooms are quieter ...

who needs to find things to do, when there are men-at-work to watch ...

I am loving my reflection, but only because it shows I have very clean windows!

this is not really a hat, its one of those shoe covers, designed to keep the mud from customers homes. The boys said that they have been told to wear these, instead of removing shoes, because their feet smell too much!

Day 9 ... Ben comes to erect the frame-and-window part of the porch ... the windows have been beautifully finished on the outside, even matching in some cement to make the lintels look pretty. SOME window companies would have applied more plastic ...

Look, he's throwing it up - it even has a door!

the bricks look nice too ... looks like Ben needs a Wessex FM mug next to the spirit level ...

coffee time ...

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hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx