
Tuesday 30 June 2009

getting about on the blogs ..... yay for shimmer fish!

did i ever show you my shimmery fish and all the other plush foods in this great etsy plush team competition ?

although there's no official 'winners post' on the plush team blog, there is a lovely post here on cuteable featuring very cute work from each of the 5 winners in the secret ingredients categories ... and yes, you will see my dog harris there, as my shimmery fish won the 'mirrors' category!

yay for shimmery fish, and fabric stashes to meddle in, when the challenge pops along ...

Monday 29 June 2009

WIP round-up - painting progress - and a jointed dormouse ....

im adding a little paint to the three canvases when i can - paint things and baby mary don't mix!

the dormouse will hopefully apear in a real gallery in a plush show all about alice in wonderland. i plan to make the mouse and a teapot too ...

Sunday 28 June 2009

look-a this NAIL, mummy!

this picture is for caroline

i have some pieces of paper based on 8 by 8 and 4 by 8 shapes on my dining table ...
how i love to trade ... caroline is making some things that will have daisy and matty singing!

Saturday 27 June 2009

writing letters together ....

i haven't taught daisy how to write letters, they just pay attention when i write ... here is part of one for louise, when they were quite keen to add their bits too!

Friday 26 June 2009

Stuffed: A Gathering of Softies - Volume 2 (Summer 2009)

Stuffed: A Gathering of Softies - Volume 2 (Summer 2009)
Originally uploaded by Emily ♥ Follow The White Rabbit

Stuffed is a new magazine all about handmade plushies. It's published by Stampington & Company and this issue features Etsy's Plush Team!

this photo has notes and has been taken by a fellow plush team member, emily - follow the white rabbit. click through for more information and some good links ...

and yes, those are my colourful raggy rats in that super, glossy international magazine ... looks like they are looking up and admiring emily's sweet fawns ...

Wednesday 24 June 2009

fab four ....

four furry raggy rats frolick in the sun ....

(complele the rhyme, ending in ....)

then there was one !

Saturday 20 June 2009

very proud of mary ....

this is my favourate blog entry this week, one about mary and our moon bun, and not written by me.

we all need things to make us stop and smile, so follow the link and have a nice day :-)

im getting nervous - singing in the rectory garden today with 'dorset for singing' - for pictures today, just follow thw links :-) i am off for another cup of tea ...

Thursday 18 June 2009

blog award - i finally picked it up and am passing it on ...

got this award from the lovely jackie who also put a bit on her blog asking her readers to vote for raggy rat's blog
at the dorset cerials site ...

i now pass this award to caroline who is almost as mutlitalented as me, and her blog is a lively read ...

and also to tantehilde who is a super mummy, of course - just like me- and turns her creative hand to all kinds of sewing. these days i have to translate hr blog but its worth it.

i have work from both bloggers in my house :-)

ok guys, pass it on, and dont forget to vote for me please!

Monday 15 June 2009

tweed hamsters ...only £5 !

tweed hamsters ...
Originally uploaded by RaggyRat

yippppeee !

join the hamster dance and take home one of these fat little rodents, available at a special introductory price in the plushteam shop, now!

this is a pattern i have tweaked, bur originally came up with when my eldest was 2 years old, it involves a simple shape but some careful needle sculpting which i really enjoy ...

limited edition of five only ... part of 'mini plush monday', and only £5, handmade in the UK :-)

Saturday 13 June 2009

slaters, billy-bakers, - what do you call yours?

i think our garden might be missing a few woodlice now, the girls play with them the moment they get outside, and you know how playthings get lost ...

bill over the road calls them billy-bakers, and when i lived in scotland the twins sean and dan called them slaters, and found me some very impressive ones, back when i hated touching them and pretended that i didn't!

the other day daisy saw one that she thought was doing a pooh, and shouted with glee, "he's doing a poooo! he's making compost!"
so, they have been listening when we chat about the garden!

Thursday 11 June 2009

WIP painting progress - mostly collage ....

you can see my fox front feet peeping out from under the death of marat !

Wednesday 10 June 2009

did i tell you i joined the etsy plush team this january?

i am having a great time over there .... here is the plush team blog if you wish to follow it, there is a fun competition going on at the moment ... and pop over to the plush team etsy shop too. i will list my version of stichy there soon, and some tweed hamsters there, on monday !

ok here is stichy ... in the plush team shop

Monday 8 June 2009

another blog post ....

last night i popped Glazed Pork, the tweed pig, and Haris the dog into my etsy shop ...

here is a post on the etsy plus team blog about GP, and about my entry for the current plush team challenge ... i'm quite pleased with the post so pop over and have a read ...

i have ben working on some tweed hamsters, who will be listed in the plush team etsy shop for a bargain price next monday as part of a plush raiser ... every monday in june ...

Sunday 7 June 2009

celebrating blog readers ... for NN, and "Pat, who likes rats" ....

i just clicked the ramdom number generator thingy and it came up with post number three, which is by NN, so use get in touch NN and i will send you some cards. (cathy at raggyrat dot co dot uk will do :-)

the picture is a phone doodle, a rat i worked into the other day while discussing things with a few local HEing folk ... the original pencil sketch i created on the back of the girls art pad, while watching them to some drawings ... i think he's quite sweet, if a little sad ...

thank you for coming to my blog folks ... more sewn rats, soon ... and more work with scraps and offcuts, and bits and bobs !

Friday 5 June 2009

art in progress ....

here are some sketches on canvas of some well known art works ... i wonder what they will look like when i have finished with them ?

i will do the draw for my giveaway on sunday, thanks for commenting xxx

Monday 1 June 2009

giveaway ....

here are 10 cards printed with two kinds of artwork by me, and i promise to send them anywhere in the world, but not into outer space ...

if you want to enter a draw to win these, just let me know
1 - how you found the raggy rat blog ...
2 - do you come here regularly?
3 - whats your favourate thing to see on blogs that you regularly follow or visit?

now wish me luck
i am making one of the twin girls go cold turkey - i have taken her out of nappies this morning!