
Monday 1 June 2009

giveaway ....

here are 10 cards printed with two kinds of artwork by me, and i promise to send them anywhere in the world, but not into outer space ...

if you want to enter a draw to win these, just let me know
1 - how you found the raggy rat blog ...
2 - do you come here regularly?
3 - whats your favourate thing to see on blogs that you regularly follow or visit?

now wish me luck
i am making one of the twin girls go cold turkey - i have taken her out of nappies this morning!


  1. Hi Cat - can't remember how I found you, think it was from a comment on Molly Chicken! I like to see what other people have made on their blogs.
    With regard to a trade, I do have a pattern for a snail in that book, it's on my list....and ants, but no woodlouse! Get in touch - I might like one of your smart bags perhaps....

  2. Tarnia Keirnan1 June 2009 at 10:37

    Hi there, My name is Tarnia and I found you through SilverSeams while looking for pig patterns. As this is my first time here i will certainly be back again, can't wait to go through your old posts. Being an avid crafter i am always searching for inspiration and patterns. Will be by again!! Have a great week

  3. Hi! Found your blog while searching for rats. I love rats and I like making things, so I enjoy visiting your blog to see beautiful rats both real and stuffed.

  4. Hi, I've been lurking on your blog for quite some time now, love to see what you've been making

  5. Hmmm... how did I find you? Blog surfing!....Do I come here often?...yes!....What are the favourite things to see on blogs that I follow?...I love to see how other families tackle the everydayness that we face. I loooove to see new things and I'm always inspired by re-purposing.

    Good luck with the giveaway I hope that you meet some lovely people. Better luck with the nappies!

    Oh and I've added you to my blog roll!

  6. Hi Cat- I didn't know you had a blog until's great. You've been quite busy creating furry things!

    Kerry (Twin Transfusion)

  7. Hi there
    I just found you via Dorset cereals, nice blog!!! Come on over to twiggy Towers and say hello.
    twiggy x

  8. 1 - I found the blog because I talk to you all the time on Flickr! heh
    2 - Yep!
    3 - New Artwork!


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx