
Thursday 9 February 2023

I do like pigeons!

I like pigeons a lot. We sometimes hand feed the ones near the RSPB reserve here in Weymouth. Look at those feathers. That sheen. Could I make one? 

So I gathered together an old (clean) sock, toy filling, string and wool, duct tape and pipe cleaners, and cobbled together this maquette. It’s a bit of a mess. But my daughter Mary adopted it after I’d finished using it to make patterns. 

Made my first pigeon using felted woollens cut without a seam allowance and oversewed with wool thread. Wings are added after the body is complete. The legs are wire covered in small pink woollen pieces and over stitched. I used beads from my stash for the eyes. 

Pigeon number 2 is made using dyed wool cloth, and embroidered thread to hint at those shimmers of magenta and green. 

I feel like their shape is better than the maquette form, and also surprisingly slightly larger. I was really pleased with them. 

This lead to a commission, to make Angus. A bit of a character by all accounts …

The wing markings were created using small fabric shapes and needle felting them. Needle Felting is like magic. 

And just so you know, here is the real Angus. 

Thursday 2 February 2023

Plush from Books …

In 2022 I entered a season of making larger plush, to help authors promote their books. I sort of lived that author life a little bit, sharing their excitement as a plush WIP was shared on social media and even hearing about new characters before everyone else gets to! 

Sometimes I would stumble upon the perfect fabric in my stash, and sometimes go on a hunt for just the right shade of blue. This long shaggy white fur was perfect for Gertie. have it on good authority that sharing her progress along with my copy resulted in some purchases of The Littlest Yak for little ones to enjoy. 

Gertie was a delight to make, as she’s deliciously cute and her strong character shines through every page. For her photoshoot I took her to tout quarry and found sweet, little rocks that only the smallest of Yaks could balance on! 

Next, the Pooka demanded to be made. Shortly before he demanded lots of tea and chocolate biscuits. Luckily I’m part Irish so know all about a decent cup of tea. I always read the books when I make characters and really enjoyed this adventure, I couldn’t put it down. Both Gertie and the Pooka have covered buttons for eyes, and do he ears remind you of anyone? I make Edward Tulane’s the same way. 

Who doesn’t love an old teddy bear? In The Witchlings Wish he helps the main character with her quest, so he’s super important. He only has one eye so I made a dent where his left one would be. Other touches the illustrator used where repair stitches, stains and sparse threads for the nose. I really enjoyed adding those but was a little nervous of the staining. I used pastels for that. 

Finally there was One Camel Called Doug! He was really challenging because his legs are so slender. I made his leg warmers from football socks and I used chalks to tint his fur and face. Oh, and fixative for that hair do! 

Most of these large toys incorporate coated wire or they would never stand. And there’s a jaunty wire in Doug’s tail to give it some bounce. I love him. 

If you are an author looking for a plush, look for @raggyrat on social media and let’s talk! 

Wednesday 1 February 2023

Two drawings and a chunky rat

An ink and pencil sketch I made recently from a photograph seen on Facebook. I doodled this spontaneously and gifted it, this lovely girl was saved from the meat trade. 

This detailed pencil drawing became a Christmas present, to the now grown up girl sitting with her beloved dog. Sadly in 2022 he crossed the rainbow bridge. 

And a rat made from a chunky cardigan and some denim off cuts that I gifted to a friend who is a self confessed lab rat, taking part in medical research. I think the rats face turned out well, his body is rather rotund.