
Monday 22 February 2016

Catch a Tiger by His Tail!

You can now look forward to another full sized costume appearing ... Tail first! I bought nice thick webbing and a strong clip. I prefer tails to be very securely attached to the body and never to the fur of the costume - people do tug them!

So here is a strong but also comfortable belt. A tube of Sherpa fleece provides the padding esp if you don't wear much under your fursuit. Fur is very warm!

The tail has been attached with extra strong thread and here I am wearing it. For more bounce, wear the tail upside down!

Tuesday 16 February 2016

A Picture For Oscar ....

A friend shared this pic with me. Her friend had spotted it during a visit to Cornwall and they would have bought it to remember their son but the shop was closed.
My friend asked me if I could help get something like this in the Mum's hands and I said, buy some canvas! 

Measuring the canvas by drawing around it, i sketched out the elements of the composition ...

I used my sketch to cut pieces of fabric out ... 

When all the pieces were cut out it was time to iron them all flat and make them adhesive shapes using iron on interfacing.
 — at The Raggy Rat.

All the fabric got fixed in place with careful ironing and I threaded my machine with navy thread. I thought that it would be nicer than black. 

I used the thread to draw just inside each shape and draw in some of the details like posts and the lighthouse window.

Mike helped me staple the back. Then I tucked inside some of my cards and added my label too

Here it is finished. I really enjoyed the sewing part, and also hunting for just the right fabrics too. My friend loves it and the mum who received it was over the moon! — at The Raggy Rat.

Monday 15 February 2016

Facing Up To It - 11

So this is me. I've fitted my teeth together for you in this photo, and my neutral face looks pretty sad! 340 days ago when my braces were first fitted only sections of the back brackets would touch. We have come a long way! Prior to the braces being fitted, my lower teeth at the front had actually carved a dent for themselves in my palet. I spent most of the days of my life, since I was a teenager, holding my teeth apart to look less severe ...

On Thursday I had another adjustment, and my lower jaw was ready finally to receive an upgrade of wire, matching my upper arch wire at last! I chose navy blue bands, a new one for me, and here's my metal-filled smile. My bottom lip still falls back, unsupported by lower teeth. They might be a nice curve now, but they are still a long way back!

And this silly face is my attempt to show you all the gubbins! Seriously cannot wait for a decent set of gnashers and one day, taking the first proper bite out of an apple I will have ever taken in my life!

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Edward Tulane One Day Later ...

Once jointed together, Edward is stuffed and then has eight seems closed with strong thread. 

After that his ears and tail are added by hand with ladder stitch. You can see he has his whiskers too!

Monday 8 February 2016

I love it when an Edward Comes Together...

This is the part when all the stitched pieces of Edward get joined together with discs. 

Also he will need whiskers first, I can now stuff him which is a really enjoyable part as he takes shape!