
Thursday 30 July 2015

Facing up to it - 5

Back to orthodontist for adjustments, this time for my fourth colour I have chosen aqua. I also got to take all the girls with me, all keen to see how eveything worked!

When my orthodontist asks me to 'bite together' only metal and metal actially meet! But she seems happy anyway and I'll be back in 4 weeks time!

Here is Daisy using LIPSY which is a touch screen interactive computer with lots of information on it. I've been dying to show Mary just what can result from thumb sucking! 

After they each had a go on LIPSY, we bought some disclosing tablets from the receptionist so that we could carry out the experiment shown, to see just how well we were cleaning our teeth!

They do not taste very nice at all

Each child saw which bits they had been missing after toothbrushing, and set about doing a better job!

Matty had to clean the tops of her teeth again!

Mary had to scrub the fissures of her molars, and the next morning we still looked like we had consumed some very vivid cordial!

Tuesday 28 July 2015

If your other persona was a food-themed super-hero?

After breakfast we had a bit of giggly fun deciding what food-related person we would be. I think Daisy started it. She remains ever cabbage obsessed, so you can guess which work is hers!

Strictly off the record, I am Miss Rhubard so that left Mike to be The Custard Guy. Mmmmm. 

Mary was drawing all of the characters when Matty protested to the way her hair was portrayed and all hell was let loose! Meanwhile Matty got on with her poster ....

Mary has given Queen Tomato an important identity card, and some very practical talents too!

As well as a poster you can take one of these leaflets to contact Cabbage Girl in a jiffy!

And as for the Egg Super Hero, she's tougher than she looks!

Now our magnetic board in the living room look super cool! Just the way I like it!

Then the sun shone and we went out!

We are all superheroes!

Saturday 18 July 2015

Looks like fun at home!

I love it when the blog looks like Home Education. Projects which came from the hearts and minds of happy Children always make me stop and take photographs!

Mary made this doll in a few stages and with lots of different textures and colours. It began as just a face. 

And here, some drawings in one colour that explore pattern and shape very effectively. I have seen how very different this is from work done at school!

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Facing up to it - 4

A big blue smile from me this month. I chose Julia's House blue especially as I'm competing for Carnival Queen this year!

This time chez DCH I got four new brackets at the back of mouth. These wrap right around my number 7 Molars, the only number 8s I have are one upper right, as upper left was long ago pulled out. In my lower jaw the wisdom teeth have never emerged, they don't have any room to and sit in the jaw looking awkward. Sometimes one of the other will try to erupt! 

I expected discomfort from the new hardware, and I got busy with lots of dental wax. But I also got a huge painful swelling on the RHS of my face so I popped back into hospital where I was lucky to be seen within moments, and given reassurance and advice. 

As well as a crop of ulcers, Dr Ellis my consultant found my salivary glad with swollen and indicating a possible blockage or infection. She bent some of the new metalwork away from my cheek and helpfully snipped my wire to the bare minimum!

In a few days all was much better so I didn't have to go to my GP. Phew!

Monday 13 July 2015

Beetle makeover

Mike has a beetle and I like to sew ...

Having previously made patchwork curtains together, he wanted to cover up the grey linings, but don't worry. The originals and still safe underneath. If you like grey ...

A little of my handwriting slipped in where Mary sits ...

I don't think he bought her to match the house and garage - or my clothes!! 

Tuesday 7 July 2015

The Hive Cafe, Weymouth ...

Taking a moment on a nice day to give a shout out to a wonderful place in Weymouth town centre ...

They have a sweet little courtyard for starters, a surprise oasis which the owners Simon and Rachael worked hard to restore and make cozy. 

Everyday they leave their busy bees at home in Wyke and sell delicious honey as well as tasty food in the cafe. Simon let my children taste some of the set honey at the end of a nice family dinner there. 

So many different salads to choose from, you can also have something special to suit your dietry requirements, and no request is too silly as I have come to learn. At the moment for example, I cannot chew cucumber with the braces on my teeth so it's easier to say no thank you! 

If you don't want new potatoes, you can have pasta salad instead. All requests and suggestions are respectfully handled and all food is served with love. More than once when Rachael has placed food before me I have felt that! 

There are no children's menus, but instead you can have adjusted portions to suit which is great as I have always eaten the same food as my children. My girls know what good food is and were very impressed. 

Cake is a must. I love cake. At this point I need to say that all the food is made with love, too. 

Another delishious slice of cake perfect for flagging souls on a hot Weymouth day!

Today I delivered a piece of my art to be displayed in the cafe. I haven't shown you the other bee art there but you can see it if you visit soon. Mention you have read The Raggy Rat blog for a big smile! Enjoy. Xxx

Sunday 5 July 2015

Charity brooch making ...

I am currently raising money for The Weymouth Carnival Charities, supporting Julia's House. That's the reason behind these colourful button-and-felt flowers ....

I was delighted when my children asked if they could help too, and we had a few family sessions around the dining table!

Sewing on a button is also a most useful life skill. Why Matty's school cardi had long been missing a button...

I wanted to make something that people could have, and keep if they wanted to. I'm not too ambitious and couldn't think of a sponsored activity either! Also we get asked to support so many things these days that I wanted to give a small gift in return. Mary is 7 and did very well making a pile of neat flowers ...

I used three hand drawn templates to create the felt petals, and we all dug through the four-hole-buttons leaving out the brown and grey ones to keep our designs bright!

We made 98 fun brooches, and Mummy glued all the backs on to them and pinned them to a pillow case! 

I will let you know how sales go, and also the reason why I'm lending my support in a different way this year. Would you like one?