
Friday 30 May 2014

Creative family time ...

Sew proud of these scissor-sisters!

They have really got the bug this time! Quite probably from me. It's been really exciting watching things develop and the dining room fill with creation!

These teddies are really impressive! 

Daisy also made a fantastic sock rabbit too. 

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Wee pink mouse

This small pink mouse is for a very special lady, and is based on my hamster pattern with a few simple changes. 

I'm really pleased with her!

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Canvas and sensitivity ....

Sometimes you just have to send someone a hug from god ....

I had fun with collage, acrylic paint and pastels on box canvas and sent this off to a friend eager to here and see ...

And in return, they blessed my day!

Thursday 8 May 2014

5 minute make - steampunk flower

This is made from two folded strips of paisley fabric offcuts, a piece of copper vinyl, and a lovely old shank-button. 

The button hides the ends of the gathered fabric, and this is all ready to be used for brooch or other embellishment!

I've never made fabric flowers before but was very inspired after a romp through my updated Pinterest App!

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Do you like steampunk?

I picked up these folding biker-goggles in a local charity shop for 99p. I have a little steampunk project in mind ....

After priming with good old ESP, I painted the frames with acrylic and the lenses with some glass paint which is more shiny!

Such fun!

Friday 2 May 2014

Happy 6th Birthday Mary ...

Wow! I can't believe Mary is 6! I think she is pretty amazed too ... This blog came into being just before she was conceived!

So of course it was her turn to have her own Sock Monkey and she was really pleased and took him to school. More publicity for me!

I think these two are going to have some fun together!

Thursday 1 May 2014

House Work - The Throne Room!

My toilet floor was 1950s tiles which I had painted with off-white floor paint to hide the dirty brown colour. But the paint was soon chipped by the step-dragging activity of a handful of preschoolers, and it was time for a makeover ...

Here you can see another collage floor, Work In Progress ... There is a good layer of PVA showing in this photograph as The Beezer has been thoroughly soaked before applying ...

Finally covered with three coats of floor varnish, my children are allowed back in! Now I just have to stop them reading the comics instead of washing their hands for dinner!

Steampunk texture...

I found some old collages on artist board and decided to work back into them ...

I don't even remember when I first made them, but painting them was good fun!

I wonder can you guess how some of these textures were made?

The metallic effect is made using bronze acrylic paint ...