
Friday 7 March 2014

My Amazing floor ...

My living room floor has featured a few times in this blog, including some repairs to some of these old tiles. But i came up with a good plan to say goodbye  to the random pieces of carpet and expensive alternatives ... so i started with a room empty and a thorough deep clean ...

Next Michael got down on his knees and did a sterling job filling and smoothing cracks and gaps, and then the floor was sanded and washed and hoovered!

You know those old family bibles with the covers falling off and the amazing illustrations? Michael and I both have one of those and instead of being a tatty King-James-Version tome that no one bothered to read any more, this one was given a new lease of life with a ton of PVA and a sessions of careful placing of The New Testament ...

I love collage. Working with big pages was a challenge when they were wet, as they have to be wet both sides with a solution of the glue and smoothed in place to dry - with the door closed to keep curious kittens and little girls out!

Once dry I gently hoovered the floor with the brushes out, to remove any dust and fluff before applying three coats of varnish.

The finished floor is alive with stories, and a gentle cream colour. Also very good for car games and perfect for sliding with no slippers on ... 

The children were pleased, and many visitors are impressed. But does it disturb you? Is it ok to physically 'stand on the word of god' as well as spiritually? 

I clearly love patchwork and collage, cant wait to have the new budget home made curtains too!


  1. It sure is different, I'll give you that Kat.

  2. That is an amazing job! My husband has been talking for years of doing this to a wall, I must show him this.

  3. Hi! I am planning to do this to our upstairs! I was wondering if the bible pages are thicker or if they were thin like a regular Bible.

  4. Hi! I am planning to do this to our upstairs! I was wondering if the bible pages are thicker or if they were thin like a regular Bible.


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx