
Wednesday 12 June 2013

Summer is finally HERE!

So we can go outside and play - all of us!

Spending time with our Chickens in the garden!

The girls actually begged me to be allowed to wash the car, so we filled and bucket and put the radio on ...

Matty is working hard to get a good shine, and looks like she is winning!

My Irises came out a little late, but beautiful as ever ...

These are my favourite cakes to bake, these are from the Delia Smith school of caking, Lemon cakes with home-made lemon curd! We took these on a picnic!

And we went out and had fun together ... that's not my car by the way! I do not drive a tardis!

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hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx