
Sunday 24 February 2013

Bear finished!

He was fun to make, a friend of mine thinks he looks like a Matthew! Do you agree? Made from vintage mohair throw!

Saturday 23 February 2013

Horse Portrait....

some WIP pics of this handsome warm-blood  you can really see how I used lighter colours over the top to add definition and detail ...

Thursday 21 February 2013

Bear bits!

Making a new tiny bear...

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Collage time again!

Collaging again, this time to bless Jill who wrote the poem included with the scripture here. I will take this to her tomorrow, it's a surprise!

Monday 18 February 2013


I decided that my red fish needed some eyes, so I used these lovely wooden buttons, from a recycled garment!

Friday 15 February 2013

I finished the button-joined rat!

I bought a lovely vintage throw from Bridport, which was made of two pieces of vintage mohair, and spoke to me with great potential!

this little rat is firmly stuffed and how button joined, and make from short sparse mohair ... I love adding the face features and the whiskers!

The tail is partially filled with tiny glass beads, so ratty can stand up too!

A dusty-pink ribbon and little key charm finish my new friend off! She is looking for a forever family ...

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Button jointing and other ways...

Today I am giving a talk and a bit of a demonstration on 'soft toy making' so I've got this little guy to do some demonstrating on. You can already tell what he is going to be, can't you?