
Friday 30 September 2011

Russian Doll making - WIP II

Sometimes, I like to work very small! and in our set of Russian dolls, I got the four smallest ones to paint!

My girls worked on the three biggest of course, and i had to do a face for Mary!

And here are all seven of the girls, with fabric collage, acrylic paint and some fine glitter. My nect job is to get out the Ronseal, and protect them all!

Monday 26 September 2011

Time for a run around!

It's a nice day, so off we go!

In the three-bears-house, the girls share out parts and tell each other what to say, to rein-act the story!

Then they run away to the next bridge, and wave and shout back!

Dancing, climbing and getting ready to play ring-a-roses!

and time for a snack too!

Friday 23 September 2011

Jester for your King?

It's a bit too big, mummy! This is made for a good friend of ours!

Do I look funny? I feel funny!

I feel like a fool! We do love to Dress-up!

Thursday 22 September 2011

Himmy-marked Ross-Rat ...

Rather pleased with this cuddly little chap ... One of my dearest rats was a Himmy marked boy, called Rufus, and he looked just like this! He used to travel Intercity trains with me during my student days, perhaps i ought to share some of our adventures with you sometime?

Monday 19 September 2011

WIP - goat dolls ....

I decided it was time to make some more goat dolls ...

But they do feel rather undressed, and they both need their noses and mouths embroidered, and their hooves needle-sculpted!

I used my other goat doll pattern for both of these, but the longer denser fur created a much taller goat!

Friday 16 September 2011

Famous Raggy-Goat!

An american friend sent me a copy of this magazine ...

Inside, not knowing that I had submitted my work to a request for steam-punk dolls, she saw a familiar face!

And so she bought me my very own copy!

Friday 9 September 2011


My we do love chickens! Here are two of my doorstops, one will be for the girls' bedroom...

Tuesday 6 September 2011

what's in a name?

really enjoyed creating this little girl's name!

Monday 5 September 2011

Sunday 4 September 2011

Fairies to Go!

Flower Fairy dolls in a handmade basket they can rest in!

these are basically dressed sock dolls, and were good fun to make!

Saturday 3 September 2011

Friday 2 September 2011

Let's Pretend!

I made Mary a sling, so she can have a 'broken arm'. She likes to sit about looking sad and explaining that she can't play properly! Oh poor Mary!