
Sunday 31 July 2011

My garden ...

Looks like a building site again ...

These two tiny girls hefted all that stuff about!

i bought some 10mm bungee cord off eBay and fixed the ten year old trampoline - hooray! More bouncing!

one day we went out for about an hour and a half, and came back to find these poor birds in the garden, lying quite close together. Any ideas what happened? All three children looked at them, and after them for the afternoon, before their burials!

Saturday 30 July 2011

That time of year again ...

when I try to get a smile out of three children at once!

you wouldn't believe the things I have to say and do to get these images!

But it's all worth it. Taken in Radipole woods, today xxx

Thursday 28 July 2011

New man in my life ....

I decided it was time to get a new man ... I was really pleased with him as soon as I saw him ...

But it took him a wee while to settle in ...

But he soon did and after eating his crisps and do-nut, and sharing his wine with me he began to pick out tunes on his guitar!

Jealous and in need of a new man your self? You can get one too HERE, but he wont look like my cool dude as all Yermits are unique!

Sunday 24 July 2011

I have been ...

Putting Skinny-chicken the doorstop to work at the back door ... the children love her so much, they stop and pick her up for a cuddle ... the door closes!

Running up some fresh and funky bunting from some genuine found-in-a-loft fabrics ...

Finally using up some old press-studs on Jackets for Edward Tulanes! Wont get any more at the price, or that place! The half-pence coin was axed when I was around 12 years old. We collected them up in school for charity.

Covering a chair seat, and all of my small cushions with fresh new fabrics ... and then I covered a chair seat in fabric from a skirt that shrank in the wash!

Watched the Fuzzies admire the new colours!

Friday 22 July 2011

To remember skinny-chicken ...

A new chicken door-stop to hold open out back door!

WE call this one skinny chicken. Like Daisy says, we will never forget her.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Round up ...

I am going to make more bunting, but first, Mary had a go at decorating my pattern!

But what's this in the corner? Mary said she forgot to put her name, so I wrote on the board M-A-R-Y and I think she did very well, for a three year old!

This woollen tank-top feels lovely - it will soon be a fun crop of hamsters, though!

The face of barn owl number 5 appears!

and here is a little treat I got for myself, well for the family room...

On a sad note, skinny-chicken decided to leave us, and we all felt a bit sad. My older girls Drew her picture and gave them to me. This is Matty's...

and Daisy started her drawing with skinny-chicken's bright yellow legs - she was the only one of our girls with yellow legs!

Have you been busy? I feel as though we have!

Friday 15 July 2011

Chalking ...

houses, bedrooms, beds and family ...

sharing the space beautifully, and working individually yet producing something that looks like one child drew it!

my red hair is very clear, thank you Matty!

Mary has also drawn some of us in bed, as well as a sun and a spider, and ponders her chalky hands!

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Big Cats in Weymouth - Spirit of the Sea 2011 ...

The tiger returned to Weymouth yet again, and this time THE CAT was ready for him!

It was certainly a lovely day for a Harbour-side festival!

Until some one pointed out all that water, to the Cat! YIKES!

Most of the public were very taken with our furry visitors, and the felines must have posted for hundreds of photographs!

And there was time for a few lovely Cat-cuddles too!

What did you do at the weekend? XXX

Sunday 10 July 2011

Painting wooden boxes ...

sometimes we like t o complete a craft kit, especially presents we are given!

all three children have created something special, and they are very proud of the boxes ... (mary kept going the longest and used up all her paint!)

concentration-face! both Matty and Daisy painted the sides of the boxes white...

and kept the colours very fresh!

finally they applied all the glitter glue that comes with the kit, and i added two thin layers of RONSEAL...

in order, the work of Matty, Daisy and Mary ...

Friday 8 July 2011

more cat head WIP ...

and so to make the pattern for furring the cat head ...

interesting shapes appear when I work this way ...

and the blue foam shape starts to look like a creature ...

sometimes the wrong creature - is this a bunny?

those ARE cat's ears!

and that's a little pink cat's nose!

creating the eyes, cutting the shapes for irises from painted acetate ...

and into the head they go!

eye can see you!

Sunday 3 July 2011

Cat's Cat Suit - the head! WIP

does a cat's head appear?

nore of a fox, that muzzle is much too long!

I started to shorten the muzzle, bit by bit, and added more foam to shape the skull ...

i made fabric and fur ears, worked more ont he shape of things like the eye holes and the muzzle ...

then today I got the glue gun out, and burned myself rather a lot!

(the thermostat may have broken on my gun!)