
Wednesday 15 September 2010

Artwey 2010 - an international celebrity opens my porch!

so here we were on a rainy Saturday ... Elton John ready with those plush scissors I made ...

Elton is really Ed Hintze, and Cat has probably heckled him too many times at choir practice ... the neighbours are suitable shocked!

some one steps in, and finally Elton attacks the pink ribbon, for Steve's camera ...

It takes quite some time to cut through it ...

And its OPEN, after Eltons lovely speech ...

and the crowd rush in ....

to fondle my 'art for the hands' mats ...

say hello to molly the owl ...

choose some colourful and reasonable priced cards ...

and enjoy a little SPICE!

see for your self, here -


  1. Oh wow, I LOVE the plushie words!

  2. Love Molly and all your other things! Wish we could visit! (American, living in Michigan) Please bring your posts over sometimes to Candles MODs blog. We love them there.

  3. What wonderful imagination! what awesome execution! I stand in awe!

  4. Good luck with this - looks like lots of fun. (My, but Elton has let himself go a bit hasn't he?)


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx