
Monday 23 August 2010

old shed, new shed ....

space at the top of the garden for a new shed ...

view from the wooden half of my odd, garage extension shed ...

one long shed, two doors, and an odd bit in the middle ...

this should be the guttering, for my garage ... who knew!

all levelled off now, with incinerator foundations dug out, and a tree stump chewed to bits ...

an early morning delivery from the granby ... and us still in our pyjamas!

Adam has made short work of turning the old shed into bricks again ...

old bricks - locally produced hardcore!

Ian telling me another rude story ...

the rough with the smooth, adding the top layer of concrete for the new shed base ...

stay tuned for more 'house work' in raggy rat land ...

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hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx