
Friday 30 April 2010

the elephant headed hindu god ...GANESHA WON!

Ganesha won the Plush Team Mythology Competition!

Thank you all Raggy Rat Fans that voted for him, tomorrow, i have some thing just for you!

In the meantime, Ganesha can be seen at Maker Faire, in May.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

ground works ....

DAY 1 - say good bye to this lovely but old and rotting front door ...

daisy mary and matty make themselves giggle by saying, 'bye-bye chimney!'
Mummy and Louise made that collaged and stitched house number ...

our man Jamie cuts through concrete, crazy pathing and digs very hard clay to make the foundations for our new porch ...

finally, the hole is deep enough ... note that part of our old tiled step has already disappeared!

Daisy spends an hour in the window sill, watching Jamie mix cement and throw it in the L-shaped hole ...

DAY 2 - The Foremen show up and scrutinise the brick laying done by Mike ...

Builders' Tea, Strong, White-with-one ... in Wessex FM Mugs ...

Jamie digs a hole in the lawn for a new soak-away ...

Perfect Snippers ...

sometimes, my hubby buys me a present that is THE BEST - and these are the best scissors ... i can cut thru really tough things with these, nice and sharp but also comfortable...

Sunday 25 April 2010

a little fire ....

it has been abusy day inthe garden, a bit mixed weatherwise, but after leaving out heating off all day steve has lit a fire to read bed time stories next to...

Erm ... excuse me Karla...Your Monkey is hogging my firelight!

Ah, Thank you Peanut, that's much better ...

Isn't that nice?

Saturday 24 April 2010

WIP - a little bit of sewing, in a hand-decorated tray ...

had these small items on the go for a while, must get them finished one day! The Tray making was done with the girls, they now have 2 cheerful yellow trays which can be used to sleep chickenpants, collect cuttings for glueing or hold Hama beads ... Shall i try and find them and show them to you?

Friday 23 April 2010

All of Us Girls and a Rabbit ....

Mary took a shine to the furry topknot belonging to the rat head i am making ...

Daisy with a huge box of cuttings to glue-down ...

Matty busy with her paint box ...

Edward Tulane left our hands this week, despite there still being doubts about our air-space, but there he is, gone on his way! I do miss him. He was such a character and really quite good looking too ...

I went shopping on Etsy and my headband arrived promptly. Its very hard to photograph your self featuring your new head gear, but i gave it my best shot!

Thursday 22 April 2010

not seen the back of Ganesha yet ....

My sock-Hindu-God Ganesha would like your vote again! he and his ratty steed made it through the first round of votes and you can make him champion by following this link to the Plush Team mythology challenge ...


and you can also see more of him when you get there, by following my name to his listing in the plush-team shop...

Monday 19 April 2010

Monkey Business!

Hello Hamster-car, I just arrived here from the USA, I hear you have been there on a visit?

This is Peanut, and he is made by the clever Karla. And here he is waiting to explore Radipole Woods with us.

Hurry up you guys, lets go in!

Once inside the woods, its another story - Peanut realises just how short his legs are! HEY! Wait for me!

Soonits time to find one of the benches that the friends' group errected, and rest some little legs! It's alright, Peanut; Mary knows about having little legs...

Sunday 18 April 2010

Zazzled ....

OK ... some might say i have a problem. I keep going back to Zazzle and making cool things with my soft sculpture photography!

One day, perhaps soon, I am going to create a pair of shoes that I MUST be seen in ...

What would you like me to create? a T-Shirt? Mug? Who from? It is addictive, I warn you!

Saturday 17 April 2010

Patterns for furring my BIG RAT HEAD ....

symmetry in heads is important - i used the same pattern for both sides ... the pattern in turn helps me place the cheeks level on both sides, and the ears of course !

here is the Pattern for the Cheeks and Muzzle ... this is both sides, but folded ... some times i make a cut too far, and repair with tape! I have marked out the white and grey areas with marker pen...

hey wait a minute - who is that little blue guy? Not seen him around here before...

Friday 16 April 2010

Dorset Seafood Festival

spot me, dressed in my handmade lobster costume!

Wednesday 14 April 2010

the elephant headed hindu god ...

... this one, that I showed you a peep of, well he would like your vote! him and his ratty steed of course. So, follow this link and choose some winners in the Plush Team mythology challenge ...


and you can also see more of him when you get there, by following my name to his listing in the plush-team shop...

Monday 12 April 2010

cute coincidence...

sometimes, something just looks right!

I listed elephant-headed deity on etsy today, and here is a sneak peek ... you wont find them in my own etsy shop, but more details to come soon when you will be able to vote on your favourite plush in a mythology challenge ...

Saturday 10 April 2010

This week was a busy one ...

FLASH BACK - do you remember this fireplace? Well, this week, is went away forever... but don't worry, I kept the children!

it all started with scaffolding, and a man on the roof ...

A lot of rubble, dust and more dust... there was no where to sit, and no where to play, so we went outside, and did Hamma beads in the dining room. Mary covered the floor in book, and lost her red mini, again ...

I sneaked in at the end of the first day, to admire the new, very local, Portland stone. It looks like that old wallpaper is really going to have to go now!

the new duel fuel cassette stove, it has to dry out now, and settle in, but luckily we have nice warm weather now... that plaster has to dry too, the guys had to make 2 holes in the wall to unblock the chimney... that was very noisy and dusty, and Mary cried ...

and THIS WEEK, those fuzzy-girls turned 4. Obviously, this year, we didnt put their cards on the firplace!

Enjoy being 4, my little girls! Now to fend off more of those questions about starting school ... I am keeping them with me!

Thursday 8 April 2010

day trip .... part two - the trampoline!

Take your shoes off and come on in, the jumping's lovely ...

now, to actually jump, we have to stand up ...

come on guys, stand up!

Wednesday 7 April 2010

day trip .... part one - the chickenpants!

we have bananas, sandwiches and CHICKENPANTS!

Bunny Chickenpants gets to swing ...

and so does baby chickenpants, hiding in Mary's pocket, in case swinging might be very scary!

and Bunny chickenpants reaches new heights!

it was ok thought - Matty didn't drop her ...