
Tuesday 6 October 2009

some final pics to round off artwey ....

a torso, Cat and Ames, a lovely pic by michelle from soggybottom fame !

drinking tea and looking at the sparkly sea ...

the lavendar flag, back view, tries to get free!

Nisa tries her hand at stone carving ... this is my revenge for the video footage she has taken of me (finger painting!)

Mya explains her work to Sarah ...

AMES ... wrong blog !

friends - Ann (potter) and Sarah (hard) taken by Cat (soft)

Sarah shows Abi how its done ...

James, and Abi, tap tap tap ... just before he got out his mandolin, and his music ... i should have brought mine too!

spot the Artwey Corex sign?

my tompot blenny made a few new friends during Artwey ...

Sarah's work at the Brewers Quay, and some visitors admiring Jane's jewelry...

solomon dons shades to protect his eyes from flying chips ... mmm, chips ...

you can try different mallets to find one that suits you ...

i even carved a mouse head in the stone - now why didnt i take a pic of that ?
off to have dinner with members of artwey tonight - now that's my kind of meeting xxx


  1. Great pic's well done, See you later, love Liz

  2. Brilliant pics! Great to see everyone taking part and having fun-they all look well into it!

  3. We had a really great day out that day. Thanks Cat x x x Beautiful venue and seems like you had loads of four legged visitors as well as the two legged ones.....
    Michele x x x

    I'm busy on the beach at the mo, but hope to see yeah sooooon x x x

    Ames x x x x (Amie Soto Blossom)

  4. Amie Soto Blossom6 October 2009 at 14:45

    I look good
    luv Ames x x x

  5. Thanks Cat - and to all visitors especially friends (both 2+4 legged) & family for helping to create such a great atmosphere. Not to mention soft puppets and hard stones. Next time I think we will invite visitors to bring musical instruments and picnics... weather permitting of course.


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx