
Sunday 26 April 2009

the weather is getting better, and we can play outside ...

the weather is getting better and we can play outside ...
Originally uploaded by RaggyRat

daisy, mary and matty have been enjoying playing with the roll inside some fabric i bought years ago for my last flat ... i just used the last of it to make some curtains for my dining room, which for the last three years have been the curtains left by the late Mrs A, and on more than one occaision i had put my fingers through them while pulling them closed!

i had to chop the roll in half of course, and when one of them has finished, mary gets a go!

so now my dining room has a blackboard wall, and some new curtains ... but also some half stripped walls and some BIG post re-wire holes to fill!

off to visit steve's old grandma now, over in bridgewater ... loading car with lunches, nappies, wipes, potties, a toilet seat and lots of small children ... byeeee !

1 comment:

  1. Hello just dropped in for a visit . I love your blackboard wall for the kids .


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx