
Monday 2 February 2009

better blog some more crafty sewing, cat ...

i had this toy, it played a nice lullaby but it didnt look so apealing, also the stuffing was very soggy and lumpy ...

so i gutted it
lets call it recycling
the stuffing and the musical box i put aside for re-use

and i made this rabbit ... upholstery and a nice fairy cotton-print ...

the stuffing is so firm, i believe i can hear base notes i couldn,t before ...

20 posts for january, a personal record?
i dont know, i'll have to have a poke around ...


  1. What a great rabbit! And excellent reuse of the music box and stuffing. I have been thinking of doing the same with a giant stuffed leopard I have on my bed, I think I will go ahead with it!

  2. Yours is far superior to the original!

  3. Hi there!

    Now thats what I call recycling! Great!

    We have practically the same fireplace as you! It's coming out though, as its not the original one.

    Hugs, Sarah x

  4. I love your rabbit better. Far superior I reckon, has more character.!!!


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx