
Tuesday 26 August 2008

sometimes ....

sometimes mary naps well, and i can get things done or play with the toddlers. sometimes she doesn't.

i got a cd free with a magazine while trying to conceieve the first time with steve, and getting daisy and matty. i was getting broody and bought the magazine with both a blanket and this cd. it has woffly rubbish on it, plus sound effects and 2 songs which you can slap on repeat and use as soothing sounds or white noise to block out noise of sewing machine/washing machine/toddlers.

my favourite one at the moment is the "hoover sounds", having got bored of brahms lullabye!

as you cant buy it, i wonder if anyone would like a copy? i dont reccomend listening to "womb sounds" while eating some lunch!

burn, baby, burn .....


  1. Never thought the sound of a hoover particularly relaxing as it usually involves work!!
    Can't knit you one of the Japanese ratties as they are sewn and would probably look like one of yours anyway! Got an Alan Dart knitted rat pattern somewhere if you are interested...

  2. Hope you are soon feeling better. I must say I am as intrigued by your 'surgery' as you are about the blanked out baby name!
    She's adopted and has kept her original name so i won't be showing just in case. I wouldn't like to upset anyone.


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx