
Wednesday 30 April 2008

Little ballerina mouse - a safe arrival :-)

Little ballerina mouse
Originally uploaded by MyLizzieJane

yesterday tea t ime, after a sleep for me and the girls, i sat at the dining table with 2 parcels...

one was boring, a load of black zips for my work, and the other, this absolute cutie, a balerina mouse girl who needs a name, and has been superbly made by 'my lizzie jane', click thru to her flickr photos, and see her blog left, she also posts work on plush parade, and has some rather attractive elephants too ...

i have been lazy, and blogged one of kathy's own photos this morning, just in case i dont get to take a nice one myself any time soon, i am 40 weeks tomorrow and had an interesting night, woken by pains in the small hours!

Tuesday 29 April 2008

that friday feeling ...

a friend emailed this picture of me and my girls, taken on friday at weymouth twins club ...

i turned 39 weeks that day, wow that belly looks big to me !

it also looks like matty is playing midwife, but i think she is driving a wooden car on the small space left on the chair ....

daisy is keeping her eyes on all the unruly children and adults that might get too near her, she is my shy baby ...

so to recap, i will be 40 weeks on friday, will i still look like this ?


cat xxxx

Monday 28 April 2008

an early birthday present ...

a large box arrived on saturday, and i have been having a painful time of late so steve said i should open it rather than wait for my birthday ... that it was kind of a joint present, but i would use it more ....

yippeee a new toy ! it is a sony handycam, cant believe it had a HDD 80 x bigger than the pc i got in 1997! and it takes neat but very large (2mg) still images too, and i am attepting the upload of my first as i type, taken from my feet-up postition on the couch !

i spent the day taking quite a bit of footage in the garden, of steve and the girls, anyone that knows me usually finds me behind the camera, on all occiasions !

feeling very sore as baby's due date aproaches, and my last post found me in a pondering mood ...

Friday 25 April 2008

this is my mother, and my sister ...

Originally uploaded by lippy292003

my mother (from lancs) has been visiting my sister in cheltenham, and my sister shared some pics on her flickr pages ... i was both intrigued, gobsmacked and just a bit jealous ...

i have not seen this woman since i was 5 months pregnant with my first child, now over 10 years old, and here i am expecting baby number 4 any day now ... i both recognised her and didn't recognise her!

this year, just after christmas i spoke to mother on the phone, it was me that got brave and phoned her, to thank her for usual cards ...

i miss my sister as neither of us can get to the other at the moment, but am thankful for skype! i have been looking at this photo for a long time !

anyway, to get back to everyday life here, i am not sure if i have had a few symptoms of early labour, but im off to drink more water and nibble something, just in case!

Thursday 24 April 2008

baby maus goes for it !

baby maus goes for it !
Originally uploaded by RaggyRat
i am really going to miss this, even when it means no more bladder bashing for me :-)

sorry its a bit blurry, it was more about capturing the moment quick !

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Wild Boars ....

Wild Boars ....
Originally uploaded by RaggyRat

Wild Boars ....
a special 80th birthday present ....

full-colour pencil drawing ....

yawn, so tired .......

Monday 21 April 2008

lady in waiting ... that's me!

a long time ago daisy adopted this pregnancy diary, and i have a picture of her holding it in a more pritistine condition in my flickr pics, crying because she was at a funny age and my sister was visiting ...

at first matty was not allowed to read it but it is now shareware, so thats ok, and they have a collection of things they can read in my magazine rack; a small catalogue, 2 pregnancy diaries and a slim, soft back usbourne book.

i didn't sleep well last night and so i am a bit fluffy today, we had a busy weekend as a family so it is good to rest! had a GREAT meal out last night, i ate enough for several little people and waddled along the sea-front afterwoods back to the car ....i probably ate too much as i had trouble getting comfortable in bed and was awake between 2 and 4am with a wriggly baby and a backache, and i know i am not a midwife but i cant find much head to ballot in my belly, i wonder does this mean anything might happen soon?

just finnished some art ... more about that tomorrow i promise :-) unless ... i am not here to blog tomorrow !!!!

Friday 18 April 2008

cute lil glass beads for eyes ...

cute lil glass beads for eyes ...
Originally uploaded by RaggyRat

steve's old socks given a new life ...

im keeping blogging at the moment, so you will forgive me if, after i pop, i neglect you for a few days !!!

matty and daisy think this is a girl ... hilde (tantehilde, blog left) wil recognise the inner ears from a swap we made :-)

is it a girl or a boy ? and never mind that, am i having a girl or a boy ?

Thursday 17 April 2008

another good visit from my midwife ...

baby is settling down into pelvis and mum is doing ok, coping with all the niggles one can expect this late in the baby-bump game ...

i made debs a cup of tea* and she let the babies play with her stethoscope and sphignomanometer, leaving me with my notes to read, and a skateboard :-D

*midwives like a good supply of builders tea, this needs to go in your 'birth kit', along side plastic sheeting from BnQ and jars of honey...

Wednesday 16 April 2008

very small woollen mouse ...

very small woollen mouse ...
Originally uploaded by RaggyRat

i like to fiddle when i have my feet up, when im all sore and swollen i cannot sit at my machine, or my dining table very long at all ....

i have entered this mouse into the sofites 2nd annual competition, as i like her face, she looks very small in steve's hands !

i am having lots of 'braxton hicks' contractions - any day now they are going to turn into the real things !

Monday 14 April 2008

kick, kick, kick ...

kick, kick, kick ...
Originally uploaded by RaggyRat
me naval gazing again ! you can here steve saying that to the girls, and their toy cars revving !

well if i cant naval gaze now, when can i do it? these are some of maus' more gentle actions, i ran out of memory trying to capture some big ones, and getting distracted filming the toddlers ...

Friday 11 April 2008

three 'camera bags', for my neice and 2 nephews (SIL's chids)

three camera bags, from my neice and 2 nephews (SIL's chids)
Originally uploaded by RaggyRat

i made these fun-filled bags as gifts, no plastic tat from my hands!

the girls were invited to the joint party of the youngest 2 chids, but as chicken pox was rife among them, and the baby almost here, we decided that now would be a good time to stay away ... so they missed the bouncey castle and party food and being sick in the car on the way home afterwoods !

anyway, all the children we know who have been poorly seem to be on the mend so all is well, i would prefer the girls to get it younger, but now is not the time ...

i am 37 weeks today and have deb's blessing to 'pop' anytime i like :-)

Wednesday 9 April 2008

new mice for bid4bears ...

didn't get to list last week, so here are 2 critters for this week,

i made them putting up my sore feet and sitting with my girls, and their various reading material ...

it was their second birthday yesterday, a day of letters and parcels, a visit from granny and grandad (steves parents), and an oporunity for my midwife

and my doula to meet :-) not because we were having a big party, but because i was due a check up :-)

sorry i didnt do those fancy links there, im too tired and fluffy brained ... in fact i nealry forgot a picture!

Monday 7 April 2008

Hmmm, what does this sign really mean?

we had our road dug up for just over a week, due to a gas leak, its a small cul-de-sac so i think that 2 road signs and the actual hole itself were overkill, mind you i did make up a cool song about some fluff, on a bobble, on a hat, on a man, in a mini, in the hole at the bottom of the road ....! and the girls love it, to the tune of 'there's a hole at the bottom of the sea', if you know that one?
hark at me wandering round in my slippers, its just soo much easier than trying to get my shoes on, or waiting for steve to do me after doing matty' and daisy's!!!
i think steve is trying to make my belly look bigger by use of a woder angle lense, witness out bendy house and know i am much less rounder .. cough !
here's to a good week ... lots more sunshine so i can go out in my slippers !

Tuesday 1 April 2008

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit ...

after easter and there are still time for bunnies ...

this one was given to my dear nhs midwife lynn, as a huge thankyou for lots of support at home, doing all my checks so i didnt have to get myself and young twins to clinic, especially helpful as they are shy and dont like medical places ... actually neither do i!

and this little bunny now lives in france, it was given as a present when some french friends travelled all the way back home from weymouth to france after living here a while ...

today is sunny and i am sleepy ....