
Wednesday 27 February 2008

wing wing ---

hurrying to make the deadline ... perch is to star in a show for children at centre parks .... this year ...

i actually mailed him off today, and his complete self will be able to be viewed on here tomorrow afternoon when his new owners, explosive productions ltd will have him safely ...

Wednesday 20 February 2008

WIP - perch the parrot puppet's plumage, pretty !

sorry, getting too silly - and so much to do !
enjoy these lovely colours while i take my girls out and try to wear them out ... also will use a photocopy machine to enlarge the parrots feet ....
cat xxxx

Saturday 16 February 2008

puppets again, a peek at a parrot!

i plan to finnish PERCH by the end of next week, i am only showing you his beak and colour ideas, not the mess of parrot bits all over the table! my dining room looks great with all the colours spread about, and i have gone for a completely made-up bird rather than try to emulate a well known parrot, as i have been given only the instructions 'as bright as possible' :-)

Thursday 14 February 2008

matty, daisy and some paper hearts ....

Happy Valentines Day Everyone ! lots of love and some chocolate Cat XXXXX

just to prove i can sometimes find my caps key, haha
tho it slows me down about 100% ...

hope you have a lovely day everyone, i want you to know i love all my friends, everyone who touches my life, sends me cake, and visits my blog, makes me some tea and admires my children... honestly, no sick bucket needed here, just hope you enjoy this fun pic ...

and yes, that IS my new kitchen !!!

cat xxx

Sunday 10 February 2008

28 week scan, bump small but baby growing ok ...

i am feeling more tired again these days and hoping maus stops lying breech soon ...

can you tell what's what on this scan?

i am working on the 2 parrots and have finnished the raggyrat which is a valentines gift, so i will share his pic soon, he looks very dapper with his mini camera!

Tuesday 5 February 2008

some great wallpapers!

my kitchen, the progress of which i have been blogging on wessexfm, is still not finnished altho it will be this week, with the tiles going up on thursday. it will be nice not living with a cluttered dining room including the fridge next to matty's high-chair. it is covered in sticky finger prints!

its not easy to get any sewing done, but i have managed a bit, and the drawing of flash was admired by at least one of my kitchen fitters ...

i should finnish that minature camera for the raggy rat soon, in the meantime here is a peep at the treasure we found behind those very old 50s style cupboards ....

this second one takes me back, to wearing plastic bibs and sucking rusks.... do pop over to the blog of sebs progress, linked from the left if this doesn't work of course ...

Sunday 3 February 2008

squark ! a new puppet commission ....

yippeee i got the job pf making a parrot puppet for a cumbrian performance company, just thru word of mouth which is famtastic ... i have done some sketches and lots of fun research, and i hope to begin this week and get it done before 24th feb, as their deadline is 1st march ...
i also need to make a special raggyrat holding one of these camera cases ....
and containing one of these ... and talking of cameras, i forgot mine on friday when me and the fuzzy twins went to see seb green leaving on his round britain walk. We met flash, who i felt i knew really well after spending so long drawing him, but his barking made daisy cry. Matty eyed up the paramedic who was on hand, and i said hello to seb himself, who said he found my blog while 'googling' which was funny, i didnt even think of him finding me himself! i managed to wish seb good luck and shake his hand before it was time to go ...