
Thursday 13 December 2007

WIP - another cuttlefish created ....

the belly and swimmers of a cuttlefish i am creating in fleece, which will make a lovely christmas present this year, and i am to deliver to shaftesbury when he is finnished ....

here are the markings to give a hint of that shimmer of changing colours, in rust thread and 2 kinds of shot fabrics ...

a familiar face apears next to me on the sofa, needing some more padding and giving me the evil eye!

we really need to buy some christmas cards - i have not written a single one!


  1. This one looks even better than the last one! Can't wait to see it finished.

  2. I love the cuttlefish, so cool. Keep up the good work.


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx