
Sunday 11 November 2007

we live at number 1 :-)

we live at number 1 :-)
Originally uploaded by RaggyRat
a fabric collage and machine embroidery number for our numberless house ... louise drew a big number 1 and coloured it in, and also designed a border and then traced it onto muslin for some sticking of different colours and textrues of fabrics ... i machined all over it then cute out round louises lines and machined to some cream fabric ... (the muslin we worked on get puckered)

we might take commisions .... :-)

i can't put my clay 'number 1' that i made while pg with the girls on the house, as the pointing needs doing soon - sea winds and all that .....

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hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx