
Saturday 4 August 2007

Cuttlefish puppet lives !

Cuttlefish puppet lives !, originally uploaded by RaggyRat.

yippeee - i have finnished my most unusual puppet/creation yet, the pettern making for the head makes me feel i could tackle anything now! See the wallpaper shapes i made, to create his head.

Steve is modelling the puppet for me here, it only got its eyes today and before that steve was calling it my baseball mitt... after these pictures i showed it to my neighbours and one asked if it was a squid. well, same family - sort of, so im not worried.

so, back to lobsters me thinks ... if i have time today, between minding the twins while steve hoovers house, taking louise for a bike ride, bathing the ferret and other assorted mummy jobs!

have fun - its a sunny day!


  1. Lovely! I found you through Flickr, and have been enjoying looking through your photos and posts. I'm wondering what all the fishy things are for? I'll look forward to seeing the lobster, too.

  2. That's fantastic! Can't wait to see the lobster now.

  3. can you put your hand in his head like a glove? he looks so great! I'm jealous you could manage this!

  4. Wow! I love your fish puppets! Looks like quite a lot of 3D engineering goes into them. They are beautiful and expressive, too.

  5. Hey raggyrat,
    I would love to make 2 dolls for your girls! I'll get started right now ;)

  6. Hi Cathy,
    very impressed by your cuttlefish puppet.

    thanks for dropping by my blog too.


  7. Brilliant !
    I love him.
    : )

  8. Does your cuttlefish come equipped with the appropriate sepia ink? He's quite lovely, you know, so if he is sepia-less, that's quite all right. All your other sea creatures so far look wonderful, too. You have quite a talent for these things!


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx