
Thursday, 19 July 2012

Tigers and Fairies!

I love Tiger balm, and I currently smell very nice ...

Its for my achey joints of course!

I am going to be working with this lovely Tiger fur! Feels very soft ...

Mean while, Mary presented me with a picture of herself-as-a-flower!

And she is currently dressed as a wand waving fairy, in order to bring the other children back out of school! Poor lamb. We are off to the beach now, to mimic the school trip ...


  1. I could do with some tiger balm! Mary is a lovely fairy. Enjoy the beach trip. xx

  2. I've used Tiger Balm since the 60's.
    Did I give away my age? :/

  3. Exotic-smelling tiger.

    Can't wait to see blog update when the swords turn up on your doorstep :-D


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx