
Saturday, 13 August 2011

Hand it to me!

I enjoy photography, and so do many of my friends. Here is one of them, who knows the value of recording our personal stories ... I think we met in 1989 or 90 ... but thats going back a bit, for me!

The other day He surprised me with this picture of my hand, taken when I was a slip of a girl, almost 20 years ago (cough).

I almost didn't recognise this smooth and slightly chubby limb as mine, so long have I been looking down at my hands of late, as a craft worker and Mummy.

These hands have seen a lot of Arts and crafts, lived in different places and nursed four daughters. They currently paint, sew, clean, carry, chop and mix and turn pages, and type - I actually like computers now! Which is handy ...


  1. I see the nobby bits, that aren't my hands every day :-) DON'T REMIND ME :-) :-) :-)
    :-) xxx

  2. This is fascinating - I prefer a well-used and interesting pair of hands to look at!

  3. My hands also look completely different than they did 20 years ago and I like that. I want my life to be useful and when I look at them, I know that I have been.

  4. How great that you have a photograph of your hand from 20 years ago! I know my hands have changed a lot since that time, they start to look more and more like my mother's. I love hands!


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx