
Friday, 15 April 2011

And I went to London, this week!

and I took these furry balls with me - but more about those in a second!

First, here is a hunk i managed to get a cuddle with, at Rainbow Productions ! And then i had a nice lunch with Simon Faulkes ...

And those balls? I added some eye lids, and now the tiger can sleep - I think he looks really sweet! I took my copic markers and sat on a bench on Wimbledon Common. It was nice to see the tiger again after all this time!

and the new 'asleep' eyes seem to be very effective!

Then, it was time for the tiger to wake up and play - and not a Womble in sight!


  1. how wonderful, I wonder what that guy was thinking when he was riding past. You are one of the most creative and interesting people I read about on blogs! Good on ya

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. @ Melanie: he actually said to his kids: "Look! It's a tiger!"

    I heard him say it when I took the photo!

  4. these photos are great! How many other people walked past the tiger?

  5. Quite a few people. Including the parks maintenance truck!


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx