DAY 1 - say good bye to this lovely but old and rotting front door ...
daisy mary and matty make themselves giggle by saying, 'bye-bye chimney!'
Mummy and Louise made that collaged and stitched house number ...
our man Jamie cuts through concrete, crazy pathing and digs very hard clay to make the foundations for our new porch ...
finally, the hole is deep enough ... note that part of our old tiled step has already disappeared!
Daisy spends an hour in the window sill, watching Jamie mix cement and throw it in the L-shaped hole ...
DAY 2 - The Foremen show up and scrutinise the brick laying done by Mike ...
Builders' Tea, Strong, White-with-one ... in Wessex FM Mugs ...
Jamie digs a hole in the lawn for a new soak-away ...
theose are the cutest foremen in the world they look like they won't take any messing around though! Hope you're not tearing your hair out with all the work going on and that not too much dust is making it's way inside. Sorry it's taken me so long to pop by and catch up!