
Saturday, 13 March 2010

It's all heads at the moment - WIP rat head ....

a bit of nip and tuck .... i sewed to shape first, then add glue to reinforce the structure ...

here is the muzzle and cheeks fitted to the head along with the ears so you can get an idea of size and position ... i am a dressmaker, so i use pins and they stick well in a duct-tape dummy head ... ouch!

even without the lower jaw, the profile is starting to look like what i am after!

don't you think ?


  1. Very cool! I can't wait to see more! Your talent amazes me, by the way.

  2. It is very clever how you get the shape of the heads so well, specially the rabbit in the previous post - the 'bone structure' is there even though it's plush.

  3. Love it!
    It is really nice to see how people work,
    Thanks for the glimps!


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx