
Tuesday, 11 August 2009

what was this paul daniels voiced childrens character called?

what was this paul daniels voiced childrens character called?
Originally uploaded by RaggyRat

and why is it immortalised in a weymouth subway?

we see this along with other childrens icons, mostly toys like barbie, and kewpie dolls, when we take the girls out on their balance bikes ...

they zoom through the tunnel shouting ! mary shouts too ...


  1. I ahve no idea who this character is! I think i would like to find out too!

  2. Had to look it up on IMDB...'Wizbit', I don't remember it either...goodness knows why anyone would want to immortalise Paul Daniels in any shape or form!


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx