
Saturday, 18 July 2009

Artwey - launched at pilgrim house, Spirit of the Sea Maritime Festival ...

i spoke to ruth meech about Artwey and she agreed it would make good reading and we will eventually be featured in the dorset echo magazine ... she put an article for us in the echo newspaper, and featured my Shimmery Fish plus a picture of andrea from the files.

remeeber when i started blogging? i was working on three big marine-themed projects, two puppets and a lobster costume. all came back to me to help promote artwey, and my work too.

the tompot blenny's top-knots have drooped a bit in the last two years! Thanks to Coastlink for the loan of puppets and costume.

and here is some of my work at Pilgrim House.
i shall have to show you my new goat sign properly, and the story behind it ...

nopt the plush team cards and the new Artwey postcards ...


  1. What a lovely lot of projects, I love them all!
    It must have been so much fun, congratulations

  2. These are so great! I love them.


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx