
Saturday, 13 June 2009

slaters, billy-bakers, - what do you call yours?

i think our garden might be missing a few woodlice now, the girls play with them the moment they get outside, and you know how playthings get lost ...

bill over the road calls them billy-bakers, and when i lived in scotland the twins sean and dan called them slaters, and found me some very impressive ones, back when i hated touching them and pretended that i didn't!

the other day daisy saw one that she thought was doing a pooh, and shouted with glee, "he's doing a poooo! he's making compost!"
so, they have been listening when we chat about the garden!


  1. We call them roly-polies, or pill bugs or--for some unexplained reason, maybe the shape?--potato bugs.

  2. We call the sow bugs, or rolly-polies, like Donna. We had them all over in California, but I don't see them as much in Montana.

    Cute pictures!

  3. I think you are going to have to make them some big ones to play with. Raggy-woodlouse?

  4. Pill Bugs, Rolly Polies or Potatoe bugs as well. In Maryland. I always liked potatoe bugs. They look very little like Potatoes. :D


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx