
Saturday, 28 February 2009

getting furred ....

wow the head is looking rounder and fluffier and cuddlier and i am on the home straight with this now!
i may have to re-think the plastic dome 'eyes' if they dont fit my vision for the character - which really just changes as the thing grows and hopefully fits whats in mine and my clients heads !
now im off busy shaping the cheeks, building the pattern for the muzzle fur - 3 kinds of fur, and getting hot glue gun burns again !


  1. Wow, it's really coming together and looking good now. Cool. :)

  2. Love his top-knot! You must be nearly finished now?
    By the way, if you really do want knitted socks, just drop me a line!

  3. Wow its really coming together now. I'm intrigued on how he is going to wear it? Love the topknot.
    I'm eagerly awaiting what you will do next hehe


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx