
Wednesday, 18 February 2009

a certain raspberry giraffe left my hands today ....

if this image were an album cover, what would the music be?

giraffe thinks, 'is louisianna very far?'...


  1. Aw! How sweet and kind of sad.

    Maybe indie rock? Or maybe blues rock?

    Lousiana's kind of nice and pretty, little rasberry giraffe. And the food is good. Don't you be afraid. :-)

  2. He's walking to Louisiana? Poor little raspberry giraffe.....waves to him from his orange cousin in Hampshire!

  3. He's looking rather hesitant it that photo CAt.
    I think he's thinking.........."but I dont have to walk the whole way do I?" "not on my own?"......
    its such a sad, sad pic.

  4. well, here i go a second time as blogger ate my first comment...
    the girls are so very excited for "her" to come and live with us. they are already collecting leaves (aka fabric scraps) for her to eat when she arrives. and don't worry...the journey will be fine as she will be hand-carried all the way here! and i love this photo!!! to me it seems as though she is ready to make her way into the world. :)
    xoxo, from louisiana

  5. oh, just to clarify...when i read the previous comments to the girls, they said, "wait a minute, that's a girl giraffe!" so, girl giraffe she is. lol :)

  6. i'd like to see photos of raspberry giraffe in the airplane getting her dinner !

    or peeping out of a hand bag !


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx