
Thursday, 30 October 2008


Originally uploaded by RaggyRat

if you like rats, would you like an alphabet book like this?
does this image apeal to adults, or children?

i did part of the alphabet years ago (2002) for an art competition, and even have my mock-up copy i made for the comp ....

i would love to have it completed and published one day - what do you think?

just had to share it - i found it onthe trawl thru my hard drive for pictures proir to printing ....


  1. My daughters adore all your rat creations and thought the picture was cute. You'd have an audience in them if you ever published it!

  2. I so like your animal drawings - you should do MORE!

  3. That is so cool I love that... for ME!!!

  4. This is a beautifull picture, I think it would probably appeal more to adults though as children though :)


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx