
Friday, 25 July 2008

WIP - yes, work, on a fursuit commission...!

here is my dining table...

and on it some 'paws' in need of claws, and the pattern pieces cut out of PVC, plus the pattern piece itself... (looks like an arrow)

here are the claws made up ready for attaching to the paws, the cone is the sharp bit of the claws and the rounded end is the nail bed thingy ... the fuzzies daisy and matty looked in the box of WIP and said 'cones.'

here is a thumb claw sewn on and an index finger abandoned mid sew, so i could see to the children, probably the baby ...

and a quick sketch, ideas and questions about the feet of the fursuit ... the feet must be suitable for a mouse who likes to dance!


  1. As I said.....Ker reepy..but fun! I admire your work ethic with a new baby and little twins.

  2. Good stuff raggy rat
    Does it come in Pink?

  3. yours could, pink and fluffy, do i know you at all ?

  4. Oh yes.....
    Good blog raggy, visit often, have trouble with email though....he he he

  5. You will show us it finished won't you? Can't imagine wearing it in this heat though....

  6. I was wondering when you would bring that project back again! Can't wait to see what it grows into.


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx