an image produced by playing with a celephane bag with a message on it, from a friend up north ...
can you work out what it says?
this is what my garden looks like typically, lots of laundry ...
as i type, my bedding is out there now, hope its not a toilet for our resident robin and black bird ...
took the girls to the beach this morning, must do some again sewing soon! *
they were very happy until it was time to leave, i managed to persuade them by getting them to carry their own drinks cups back to the car! i did not take the camera, as i was already wearing mary in the carrier and helping toddlers up steps and so on, daisy had to be helped a couple of times when she fell over running ...
i do love them. they are all asleep right now !
*erk, german scentence construction?
Oh if I'd known I was going to be published I'd have used my very best handwriting!