
Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Wild Boars ....

Wild Boars ....
Originally uploaded by RaggyRat

Wild Boars ....
a special 80th birthday present ....

full-colour pencil drawing ....

yawn, so tired .......


  1. you're so good at art & craft stuff! This is amazing. And I love the sock elephant.

    I did the teddies at Brownies last night but copped out (due to lack of helpers) and made hand puppets instead. I'll post you a pic once the faces are sewn on.

    Good luck popping - any time now?!

  2. Dear Cat,

    I love it! Really! Papa will be so happy... Thank you so much for helping with this special project...

    Have you popped yet?

    Kindest regards,



hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx