
Friday, 18 April 2008

cute lil glass beads for eyes ...

cute lil glass beads for eyes ...
Originally uploaded by RaggyRat

steve's old socks given a new life ...

im keeping blogging at the moment, so you will forgive me if, after i pop, i neglect you for a few days !!!

matty and daisy think this is a girl ... hilde (tantehilde, blog left) wil recognise the inner ears from a swap we made :-)

is it a girl or a boy ? and never mind that, am i having a girl or a boy ?


  1. I was showing my son all the entries in the elephant categorie in de Softie Awards because he wanted to know his chances to win (so cute). And we saw this elephant and before I could say something he recognized this fabric: "he mamie, that's yours" . I think my son has eyes for details!
    Girl or boy, I find this elephant boyish, and I think your baby'll be a girl, but we'll have to be a little patient no?

  2. Loving the elephant, really love the ears>


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx