
Thursday, 13 September 2007

flowers and more flowers ....

sorry i have negleted you for a bit dear readers/fans/stalkers ....

i have been pretty poorly, but steve bought me a huge bunch of flowers which have looked good for a week in my dining room :-)

the girls have learned how to climb up onthe garden bench - another thing to give daddy a heart attack with, esp if they stand up on there !!!

windfall apples make great toys too, although they dont bounce too well ....

i am making some thing very small with 'real fur', and have been chasing up some things for an exhibition i need to set up on monday ... now why did i have that silly idea? booked it ages ago and hardly have the energy for it now :-) i'll share it with you tho ....


  1. Lovely to have you back. I hope that you are doing okay?? Wishing you well soon.

    Your girls are growing and developing quickly! And in unison, by the looks of things? Good on them!

    I hope you are okay, and if you feel like a bit of fun blogging I have tagged you in my blog!

    Take care,

  2. LOL about the "readers/fans/stalkers" :) Your Girls look just favorite is of them trying to make apples bounce.

    Good luck at your exhibition!

  3. Sorry you've been poorly - hope you are feeling better now.
    The twins are adorable - do they do everything in synchronisation????


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx